Thursday, December 2, 2010

And so it's on

I was concerned when I heard about frakking.I, myself had been considering changing my home heating system to gas from oil because it was a domestic product, hate that we are in two wars to protect oil interests, and because I had been told it burned clean. I have had a number of home disasters where soot, and the smell of oil soiled my home, and damaged property.

I was thus quite surprised when I heard about "Gasland", saw some clips, and began to learn about what happens to the surrounding environment when they drill for gas. I was even further surprised when I learned that their were plans to drill in the Catskill Water Basin. The same pristine, delicious water supply that supports so much life, and delivers clean drinking water to the around 20 million of us who live downstate.

Why??? Not to create any form of good, not to save lives, not to allow us to be good stewards of the land who think of the needs of future generations.

Because the oil companies have acquired gas rights, and because our corrupt governor elect is in their pockets.

The NY Assembly has voted a 6 month moratorium on frakking. What will happen in that time?
Deals will be made to move forward. More importantly a powerful grassroots movement will have to start flexing its muscle.This means taking to the streets folks. To protect what's most precious to us, our homes, and our way of life.

What's the alternative NYC as a futuristic nightmare deserted except for those two poor to leave, and the rats, and roaches.

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