I've always been a believer, in magic, in faeries, in improbable happy endings. I am a romantic to the point of feeling it is a disease. The down side of all this optimism is that sometimes I tumble down a hole, and cease to believe in anything, even in my own ability to be a positive force in my own life. When I am going down, down, down it seems like I will never be able to get up out of that darkness. Somehow miraculously there always is a light at the end of the tunnel, and a rebound that allows me to bounce up from the dark back into the light. It is a never ending miracle to me that when the darkness recedes, and I have re-entered the land of the living that happiness, and the light are stronger than ever.
I know that there clinical terms for personalities like mine, but that seems irrelevant to me because I will never go on anti-depressants. I seek to live a life that fully expresses my soul, that allows me to feel that I am living outwards from my core.
Peter Pan asks children " do you believe?" when Tinker Bell has swallowed poison intended for Peter. He then says " if you believe, clap your hands don't let Tink die." Children all over the world respond by clapping so strongly that Tinker Bell ,the fairy lives.
Sometimes/always I think we have to have that voice inside our head exhorting us to believe. Clap your hands for whatever it is that you believe in so it may live.
I believe! And I find that clapping my hands (and doing a little dance) helps me through life's hills and valleys.